
- read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - read more - 


go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence

dear blog visitor,

i hope you are in a good place, eating good food, and having a great time 

and if you are not, it's fine

this project is just me interpreting lines from desiderata, a work that gives me light whenever darkness eats me

i hope you find comfort in these works too

